and welcome to Beta Vegan! My name is Melissa and I just jumped into
veganism a month ago. While I am pretty positive that I'm going to
stay this way, I feel like I'm still in "testing" mode
because I still mess up here and there. I'm working on it. So if
you're new to all things vegan or if you want to give it a try, stick
with me and we'll learn about all the weirdo ingredients (nutritional
yeast flakes?!) together!
think it's important we get to know each other before you start
taking any of my (probably not great) advice. I'm not on a crusade to
save the Earth or the poor animals. I like both things, but I'm going
vegan for selfish reasons. Last year I was diagnosed as Bipolar type
1, and I've learned that deficiencies in vitamins and nutrients can
be a contributor to mood swings. So I figured I'd cut out as much
crap as I could from my diet. This includes white sugar and flour and
anything pre-packaged with preservatives. BUT I'd like to be right up
front and admit I'm not a saint- if I'm about to faint or claw out
someone's eyeballs from low blood sugar, I'll take that half-eaten
muffin discarded by my kid over nothing at all. Yes, I know, eat
before I leave or pack healthy snacks to bring with me, but I'm just
saying. It's been known to happen. And no, I didn't develop immediate
debilitating cramps or diarrhea because I sort-of-accidentally
ingested something that may or may not have contained small amounts
of dairy. Not that abstaining isn't important to me. It is, or I
wouldn't be doing this at all. I'm just letting you know where I
stand to start off.
am I including dairy and all animal products as crap to cut out?
Well, take meat first. Besides being full of disease caused by filthy
slaughterhouses and a diet of slaughterhouse waste, the animals are
pumped full of antibiotics which can endanger our own immune systems.
Plus it's not all that easy for your body to digest. And do we really
need to discuss the cruel conditions in which these poor animals are
raised and slaughtered? You've heard the horror stories. Now dairy-
did you know most people are lactose intolerant to some degree? Can't
imagine why. Could be that our bodies were not meant to accept
another creature's milk. Maybe, maybe not. But dairy is also linked
to cancer, asthma, allergies, diabetes, heart disease, and messes
with our hormones. Just grab a copy of Alicia Silverstone's "TheKind Diet" to start out. You'll never have a cheese craving
out my Shopping List page for tools and ingredients that I've
experimented with so far. The page will be updated as I try out new
importantly, I want to have fun trying new things and working towards
keeping my mind and body healthy. Remember, there is no vegan police
and no judging. Just do the best you can!